Operational CIO vs Strategic CIO

A great infographic comparing the more traditional “operational CIO” to what many leading companies need today, the “strategic CIO”. I find that there are far too many operational CIOs, and the 80/20 budget rule  (80% maintenance / 20% innovation) is still the status quo for most companies. Whether the CIO …

Emotional Intelligence, a Must Have Skill for the Global Workplace

Over the years, having held management positions in global companies, I’ve come to learn a few things about managing remote employees. Specifically, how to best motivate remote employees and how to keep them engaged and active as a key contributor to the global organization. Senior managers at global headquarters are …

Google Maps is a Growing User Review and Business Directory Service

Yelp and Tripadvisor are probably getting a bit worried about Google pushing their map service more and more (or at least they should be). Google Maps already has pretty much, every known business on the planet listed. Try it out, search the name of an establishment with the name of the city …

DigitalOcean: An Active User Community and Easy to Use Cloud Service

I moved all my personal websites over to DigitalOcean, and it feels good! If time had allowed, I would have done it sooner. But then again, companies like DigitalOcean did not exist until recently. So what is DigitalOcean? DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider built on simplicity and community (similar …

Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works

One of the books on my recommended reading list is “Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works” by Roger Martin and A.G. Lafley. It’s a very interesting read and I highly recommend it. Roger Martin and A.G. Lafley talk through their experiences at P&G and explain what strategy is for (winning), and …

How to Create an Emotional Connection With Remote Employees

Over the years, having held management positions in global companies, I’ve come to learn a few things about managing remote employees. Specifically, how to best motivate remote employees and how to keep them engaged and active as a key contributor to the global organization.

Plane Finder

While I was looking up information on my flight to Australia next week, I came across this very cool website. It’s called Plane Finder. Basically, it’s a website which displays a real-time map of all active flights, along with their flight path, call signs, and aircraft details. I thought this …

Norse IPviking – Real-time Visualization of Global Internet Attacks

Norse IPviking is a free online tool that displays a real-time visual map of global attacks with information such as, the attacking country, the target country, and the type of attack that is being carried out. No surprise, but you will see most of the attacks originating from China. This stuff …